There’s nothing easy about selecting your first car seat. All parents want the safest possible option yet with conflicting data circulating the Internet it can be a confusing purchase to make. Learning to install it properly is an entirely separate challenge for new parents. No matter which model you select, it’s features are useless if it isn’t used properly.
Many families will be traveling this holiday weekend and a critical resource is just a click away…. The Car Seat Lady provides priceless car seat instruction every parent needs to know. To find out their two top rated rear-facing seats and understand why Consumer Reports isn’t the most reliable resource, head here: http://thecarseatlady.com/csladdressescr/.
But you don’t need to buy a new seat to ensure your child’s safety this weekend. Simply browse through their clear tutorial videos for safety instructions: http://bit.ly/1qWaVHK
Many little ones will be snacking on-the-go and we’re thrilled to be featured in their Tips for Less Mess, Less Risk:
“Pouches are great on-the-go snacks… but they can be really mesy. The Sip’n by ChooMee is a product we don’t leave home without (seriously). It’s a silicone cap that puts a valve on the pouch – making it so that pouches are nearly mess free! An added bonus – our kids loved teething on the Sip’n as the silicone felt great on their gums.
Going on an airplane? You’ll definitely want to bring a pouch + Sip’n. Pouches are great on airplanes during take-off & landing as you can help your child’s ears pop best when they suck AND swallow. Pacifiers aren’t great for popping ears since kids are only sucking, not really swallowing.”
Check out full article here: http://thecarseatlady.com/eatingincarseat/
For those families catching a cab this weekend, you can count on Uber for the safest ride on the road! Use their app to easily schedule and pay for your ride, request a car seat (using uberFAMILY in NYC), and rate your driving experience. Even better news, The Car Seat Lady has paired with Uber to offer $30 off your first ride (promo code CARSEATLADY). Expires 11/1/14.
To learn more about uberFAMILY, including how to request a car equipped with a car seat and safety details, head to: https://blog.uber.com/uberfamily
We hope you all have a wonderful, safe, and chewy holiday weekend! xo, ChooMee